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Preserve Hong Kong's history

Candice Mak

Definition for Preserve:

to keep something as it is, especially in order to prevent it from decaying or being damaged or destroyed

保護,維護;保存;保養to preserve the environment保護環境 We want to preserve the character of the town while improving the facilities.我們想在改善市鎮設施的同時保存其特色。 The agreement preserved our right to limit trade in endangered species.這項協定保留了我們限制瀕危物種貿易的權利。 Putting varnish on wood is a way of preserving it.在木料上塗清漆是保護木料的一種方法。 I need to get out of the house from time to time just to preserve (= prevent me from losing) my sanity.我需要時不時到戶外去以保持頭腦清醒。

Preserve Hong Kong's historical buildings

Hong Kong’s gleaming buildings packed around Victoria Harbour creates one of the most recognisable skylines in the world. Yet nestled within this modern skyscraper city are many older buildings that have stoically remained as the territory flourished from a fishing village to an international financial centre.

These historic buildings range from traditional Chinese ancestral halls and Western residences to waterworks structures within pre-war reservoirs. Over the past decade, the government has channelled its efforts and resources towards conserving and revitalising the city’s heritage.

preserving essences in signature historical items, LOFTER GROUP樂風集團:

Miss Carol Chow, Founder and Chairperson for LOFTER GROUP:

Revitalising Historic Buildings Through Partnership Scheme

Jump to navigationJump to searchRevitalising Historic Buildings Through Partnership SchemeTraditional Chinese活化歷史建築夥伴計劃Simplified Chinese活化历史建筑夥伴计划showTranscriptionsThe Revitalising Historic Buildings through Partnership Scheme (Chinese: 活化歷史建築夥伴計劃) is an initiative launched by the Hong Kong Government, part of a broader policy of heritage conservation in Hong Kong. In order to preserve and put historic buildings into good use and promote public participation in conserving historic buildings, the Hong Kong Government has chosen Government-owned buildings for adaptive reuse under the Scheme. As of 2018, 8 properties have been opened in their new functions and 11 additional properties have been allotted for renovation.[1] New uses include a museum,[2] a marketplace,[1] a 'creative arts psychological therapy centre',[1] a facility to train guide dogs for the blind,[1] and a leadership training centre with hostel.[3]

Historic Buildings in Hong Kong

From 1996 to 2000, the Antiquities and Monuments Office had carried out a territory-wide survey of historic buildings, during which some 8,800 buildings were recorded. It was followed up by a more in-depth study of about 1,000 items with higher heritage value. These buildings were given proposed grading to reflect their value assessed against six criteria: historical interest, architectural merit, group value, social value and local interest, authenticity, and rarity. As recommended by Members of the Antiquities Advisory Board, an independent Historic Buildings Assessment Panel comprising historians and members of the Hong Kong Institute of Architects, Hong Kong Institute of Planners and Hong Kong Institution of Engineers has been formed since March 2005 to undertake an in-depth assessment of the heritage value of these buildings.

Archaeological Work in Hong Kong

Archaeological studies in Hong Kong first began in the 1920s when artefacts and other evidence of human activities were unearthed at numerous coastal sites, mostly on outlying islands. These significant finds bear witness to events in Hong Kong’s history spanning more than 6,000 years. During these formative years in the 1920s, archaeological investigations were mainly undertaken by a few keen amateurs, in particular Dr Charles Heanley (1877-1970), Professor Joseph Shellshear (1885-1958), Father Daniel Finn (1886-1936), Mr Walter Schofield (1888-1968) and Mr Chen Kung-che (1890-1961). It was not until the mid-1950s, however, when the University Archaeological Team, forerunner to today’s Hong Kong Archaeological Society, was founded, that archaeological work was performed on an increasingly larger and well-organised scale.

Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Centre (HDC)

Located in Kowloon Park, once the site of the British Army's Whitfield Barracks, the Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Centre (HDC) is housed in two of the old barrack blocks, S61 and S62, which were probably built in the late 1890s. Starting in 1967, Whitfield Barracks was handed over in stages to the government for redevelopment as a cultural and leisure venue, and the site was eventually opened to the public in 1970 as Kowloon Park. Blocks S61 and S62 were used from 1983 to 1998 as the temporary premises of the Hong Kong Museum of History. The blocks were restored by the Antiquities and Monuments Office in 2003 and subsequently developed into HDC in 2005. The buildings are now used for heritage education and publicity.

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